Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Teacher is Better Than Two Books

Okay, a teacher may be better than two books, but if it came to a hand-crafted library, I'm not sure I'd be up to challenge that. :)

How do I put my past week of teaching into words?

At the beginning of the week, I was starting to have some feelings of being the underdog. I am new, I am young, and I am training to do what many of these teachers have already been doing for many years. I don't want to say that I don't know what I'm doing, because I feel like I do, but I worry that the other teachers may think differently about this.

On Tuesday, I was teaching another lesson that Mrs. D. created, and when I teach lessons that are not my own, I feel like I am doing a disservice to the students because I'm not at my best when I'm teaching a lesson that was just handed to me ten minutes prior to the beginning of class. I also felt that the students picked up that I was not on top of my game because it took me more time to transition, ask questions, and present the lesson.

When students filed out of my classroom on Friday at 3:30, I struggled to prevent myself from laying in front of the door and keeping them for another seven hours! This week was one of the most exhilarating I've ever had in my life. I transitioned into taking over all three of the eighth grade classes, so I feel a strong sense of ownership now when planning, delivering, and reflecting on my classes. When the students see me in the hallway, they stop and chat with me. When I ask students to do something, they do it. (Mrs. D. says they do things for me, but not for her because they like me more. I deny this, but I must say that it feels great to hear Mrs. D. say that the students like me!)

The lesson planning has really picked up. It is overwhelming to have to write lesson plans and reflections for each class, but it is really rewarding when I complete them and tell myself that I planned and carried these lessons out! I really make use of the reflection sections because I like to think about what I would do to change these lessons in the future. I even take some of these suggestions and carry them into new lessons I create to teach different topics.

I've been taking plenty of time to write on my blog, but I've seriously been crunched this week because I am still learning how to manage everything. Now that I have taken over three classes, I have just been given a huge (and wonderful) responsibility. There are so many different things I need to give my attention to, and as I go into a new week, I intend to map out the many different areas that I need to stay conscious of as I learn to strengthen my teaching skills.


  1. You are doing an amazing job - I'm so impressed and proud of the adult you have become! I never once doubted you would find your way, I'm glad you stuck with it even though it sometimes felt like an uphill battle.

  2. Vanessa,

    I am so glad that you already feel confident in the classroom with what to do and how to do it, but I do understand what you mean when you say that you feel less on your game when you teach a lesson your teacher wrote. It is definitely not the same to teach someone else's lesson (which portrays their personality and passion) than your own (which portrays your personality and passion).

    After reading your blog I know you will be (and already are) a great teacher , because your students love you and listen to you after only a few weeks of being at your placement. I know that I enjoy your company and I think that your students are really lucky to have you as a teacher. I can't wait to read your blog next week and see what else you are doing! Good luck for the weeks to come!

  3. Ravin Sunkiller - I know that name without even asking :) Thank you. It means so much that you have been with me through it all. I'm glad to be where I am. I've come a long way. And Anneke, I really hope you get back into the classroom soon. I've been thinking about you every day. I know that you are a great teacher as well, and by not being at school, the kids are really missing out on some quality time with you. Things will work out. Thanks for the support. I'm here if you need anything.

  4. Sounds like you had a fulfilling week. It is exhilirating to know that you are impacting students lives.

    Teaching is daunting and I think you are learning to navigate during this physically demanding time.

    Being organized is essential to not being overwhelmed. I look forward to learning about what you are learning about yourself in the weeks ahead.
